Wednesday, March 01, 2006

This Infuriates Me!

I cant believe how prehistoric some of our states are! What is wrong with you Mississippi???? What gives a state the right to force a woman who has been RAPED to go through a nine month pregnancy and have a child? Why is she not given the choice? I don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control - I do think unwanted pregnancy is a difficult situation and should be evaluated on a case by case basis. Regardless it seems to me that Mississippi is missing the boat here. Why not offer counseling services for women who are dealing with unplanned or unwanted pregnancies?

This is the exact paragraph that sent me into a tail spin:

JACKSON, Miss. - A state House committee voted to ban most abortions in Mississippi, which already has some of the strictest abortion laws in the nation. The bill approved by the House Public Health Committee on Tuesday would allow abortion only to save the pregnant woman's life. It would make no exception in cases of rape or incest. The bill now goes to the full House, which could vote next week, and then to the Senate.

Boy am I fired up!


Anonymous said...

It pisses me off too; the fascist state is coming along splendidly. However, I have to point out that your comments color you with those at which you point the finger:

"I don't think abortion should be used as a form of birth control - I do think unwanted pregnancy is a difficult situation and should be evaluated on a case by case basis."

Why should it be evaluated by anyone other than the woman seeking it? There are as many opinions about when it is acceptable as there are evaluators. Why should the pregnant woman's opinion be considered any less relevant?

Anonymous said...

South Dakota just passed a similar law that bans all abortion except if the woman's life is at stake.

Scary, scary stuff.

What a woman does with her body should be her choice, not a polical mandate set by white, middle aged men.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I live in MS so get off it already.

LOL. Just kidding. I hate it here -and you are right. Hell, they just got rid of slavery "off the books" about 20 years ago...

Anonymous said...

It's NOT fascist to be pro-life. And it's not just middle-age white men who believe that abortion is morally wrong. Simple civics lesson ladies. The legislators in each of these states speak for the MAJORITY of the people. If they didn't, they would be voted out. We live in a republic and majority rules. There's no coup d'etat here. It's just that the pendulum is swinging away from you. And rape, incest and physical health of the mother only represent 1 1/2 % of all pregnancies, and 98 1/2 % of abortions are based solely on inconvenience, too young, too poor, too bored, too selfish, too embarrassed. I'd be happy to give you the 1 1/2 % to save the 98 1/2 % of aborted babiles based purely on economic or embarrasing reasons. Remember the women seeking aboritions are primarily Democrat and they'll simply kill off the next generation through abortion, leaving the pro-lifers in a clear, overwhelming majority. And in this country, majority rules.